(link is broken as of March 2018, leaving link for historical and citation purposes)
Recently I had
the opportunity to field test the new Bassett SM14-M1A (Standard High)
scope mount. For
your information Only the UNIQUE features are offered below.
1. The
Engineering, Craftsmanship and materials are excellent.
2. The aligning
design is a Masterpiece, positive lock up and will not stress the
nor will the
surfaces of contact wear or distort the Mount or Receiver.
3. Twenty-two
inch lbs. is all the torque needed to secure the Bassett Mount.
4. The Mount
requires only one tool, the tool comes with the Mount.
5. It takes less
than one minute to remove the Mount and reinstall.
6. The scope
returned to zero or less than one click to zero.
7. Iron sights
are useable, elevation is limited with use of scope.
8. Scope is over
the bore line.
9. Mounted scope
does not encumber single loading or interfere with ejection.
10. The Bassett
Mount did not shoot loose during firing.
11. This is a
SINGLE machine screw Mount.
12. It works.
The bad news is,
just like you will be, I now have to find a way to recover my $$'s
getting rid of
all the disappointments...
I highly
recommend the Bassett MS M14-M1A Mount, for details contact, Bill Basset
at :
< bassettmachine
(dot) com>. Tell him Art sent you. Art Luppino
As posted on the
M14 FiringLine Forum by Art Luppino (02-14-2008, 12:14 PM)
(link is broken as of March 2018, leaving link for historical and citation purposes)
Follow UP.
In way of a
follow up on the Bassett Single Screw Mount... I have now fired over 200
rounds, some
fired in rapid fire mode, and there has been no indication of the screw
loosening, shift
of point of impact or any interference during ejection.
The posts in
response to the first Thread have been positive. Special thanks to the
Member that gave
us the pictures and information after he completed his testing.
It is comforting
to buy an item and find it actually does what it's suppose to do. It is
pleasure to
endorse this Mount, thanks Bill Bassett. Art