This one won't shoot loose.
All Bassett M14/M1A Scope Mounts
fit the M14, M1A and M21 rifles, as well as the modified versions that
Made in the U.S.A.
Read about the
history of how this mount came to be and you'll see why this mount
won't shoot loose
easy to install or remove
allows clearance for case ejection
returns to zero on reinstall
within about a ½-minute of angle
Want to know what people like you
think of our mounts? The Testimonials
Page includes test results from independent comparison tests,
letters and emails from over the years and a few links to
comments/discussions and threads posted on the
M14 Firing Line
We have also added a
Frequently Asked Questions page,
information on known issues and troubleshooting tips.
Well...we don't get enough questions to say they are 'frequently
asked' but we thought the answers to the questions we have
received or anticipated would be helpful or just interesting to